Environment & Safety

Hartman Shipping maintain the highest level for quality, health, safety & environment for all its operations.

Therefore the following core safety and environmental values are in place:

  • Highest standards in safety management, constantly striving for a zero incident/accident working environment.
  • Integrated Safety Management system based on the International Safety Management Code meeting or exceeding clients’ expectations.
  • Vessels fly the Netherlands quality flag, and all vessels are classed by high standard IACS classification societies.
  • High standards for design, maintenance and operation of the vessels and training of its crew.
  • Focus on environmental responsibility.
  • The vessels operate worldwide, including in Emission Control Areas and through sensitive marine environments, in strict compliance with applicable legislation.
  • Limiting ship’s emissions of SOx, NOx, soot (fine particles) and CO-2,
  • Cleaning waste and ballast water and following strict waste management plans.
  • The company and ships are certified in accordance with national & international standards ISM (International Safety Management) Code, ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code and the Maritime Labour Convention.


Hartman Shipping is constantly striving for a zero incident/accident working environment. Hartman continuously and actively identifies risks on board and provides training programs on various risk matters. A reporting and monitoring system (ISM) is in place for analysis and management.

Hartman Shipping ensures that the vessels comply with or are ahead of the latest Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environmental regulations. In co-operation with the crewing and technical department, they increase the crew’s awareness of safety and environment by means of information and instructions.. In house training for ships crew is provided to understand the risk factors for all ship operations.


Crew, Technical and Operations try to minimise fuel consumption, and, subsequently, less air emissions (sulphur, nitrogen, CO-2)

Hartman Shipping continuously searches for new ways to optimise the efficiency of vessels’ propulsion systems and to facilitate economic sailing. Behavioural change and technical measures aim to reduce electricity and fuel consumption on board. The ships have been constructed with highly efficient engines, advanced energy-efficient rudders and their hull have modern coatings to minimise resistance. Special attention is given to trim and speed optimisation. Vessels use weather routing systems to track and avoid bad weather and optimise voyage conditions.